Plenty Gorge - Fast Facts

Trail number

Trail numbering and signage being developed at time of writing.

Trail length

30 kilometres (estimated)

Elevation variance

80 metres

Trail type

Single trail, fire trail

Trail surface

Smooth dirt, rocks and rock outcrops

Weather affected

All weather

Trail condition sources

Refer to Plenty Gorge MTB Facebook page. This is a general forum but you can ask for trail conditions or there may already be some advise on there.

Trail features

Rough natural trails, rock outcrops, views

Trail obstacles

Rock gardens, some obstacles but under ongoing Parks Victoria review currently

Trail Rating

Trail rating

Easy and Intermediate

Rating basis


Night riding


Family Friendly

For more experienced riders.

Trail Map and GPX File

Click Image For Trail Map


No GPX download

Trail Description

I have known about this area of trails for quite a few years now but there had been an ongoing debate as to the legality or otherwise of these trails so up until now I have not included them on the website.

Some recent good trail advocacy work on the part of the Plenty Gorge MTB Group has resulted in Parks Victoria and Whittlesea Council giving the go ahead for the use of these trails by MTBers. At the time of writing, track assessment and marking is underway and Parks Victoria are continuing to work with Plenty Gorge MTB Group to get the trails formalised even further.

There is good information on the Plenty Gorge MTB Facebook page in the forum with respect to progress, trail maps and social rides. Look here for a collection of photos on the same Facebook page to give you an idea of the trails. Group website is here.

A general map of the area can be located on the Parks Victoria website here. A note on park features can be located here.

Here's another snippet from the Facebook page which gives a status update as of March 2015. Note trail directions in Facebook comment.


Trail Videos

Here are five videos from furmanb's You Tube channel to give you a flavour of the trails in the area. This channel also has a number of videos of Lysterfield and Smith's Gully area.

Parking and Facilities
Parking is available at a number of locations. Queens Gardens is one location as described on the Getting There map.
Toilet facilities are available at Yellow Gum Recreation Area (located in the northern trail area).
Drinking water is not available.
No food or drinks are available in the immediate area.
No local information facilities are available.